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United Churches Worldwide Fellowship Inc.



We have been commissioned to help build the kingdom of God, one member at a time, one church at a time together.


The Most Reverend Bishop Ivory Stafford Jr.

International Presiding Bishop of


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our exciting fellowship. My prayer is that by the unity of the fellowship, your ministry will be blessed, the fellowship made better, and our relationship with Christ is Higher. Working together for the common cause of uniting in the Body of Christ in love is the purpose of our fellowship, to be true helpers one to another; and to enable Pastors and Equip Leaders for Kingdom Ministry.


Other goals are to aid in your evangelistic outreach efforts, to help build family unity and community service that will not only uplift the neighborhood but also the city and state in which we work and live.


Our intentions are not to force our beliefs on others; but by living a Christian life, we become true witnesses for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One way to accomplish this is by working and learning to appreciate our differences and understand that by working together our inward and outward struggles will be minimized.


United Churches Worldwide is a fellowship of churches that are united to uplift the name of Christ through the collective power of small churches. According to the Barna Research Group, 80% of all churches in the United States have fewer than 200 members. Because of this, many small churches feel that they are not equipped with enough resources or gifts to reach the world effectively for Christ. This places them in a position where ministry can only occur within the confines of the four walls of the building. However, with UCW, our strength is in our numbers.


Our fellowship is designed for the small church with a desire to help us reach Kingdom potential by working together.


Together, we are “Making Our Numbers Count for the Kingdom!

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